• Welcome to Music-ed-ology! This space is dedicated to discussing topics in music education as well as sharing resources for fellow educators. 

    About me: Michael is currently the music teacher at Tilden Career Community Academy in Chicago, IL. Classes taught include Music Technology, Modern Band, and General Music with emphasis on incorporating Trauma Responsive Practices (TRP), and Positive Youth Development (PYD), and 

  • Michael Velasquez

    B.M. Music Education, Loyola University New Orleans

    M.M. Music Education, DePaul University

  • (1) I began teaching full time in 2015 and found myself as many new teachers do, trying to survive. I was not the ‘fresh-face’ right out of college but I was still the 20-something finding their [...]

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    Contemporary music education practices are guided by the formation, examination, and implementation of various philosophies. As Reimer (1989) states, music education philosophy helps to form insight [...]

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    The process of learning to play an instrument is as old as music itself. Whether honing techniques at a world-class conservatory or learning a hymn at a local church, music learning involves [...]

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