'Place' Philosophy in the Music Classroom Place theory education is based on a philosophy that suggests places represent a particular time, space, and experience. Places shape behavior and identity. [...]
Strange Humors By: John Mackey Background As a graduate student at Julliard, John Mackey composed Strange Humors for string quartet and djembe. The piece was soon adapted and [...]
Africa: Ceremony, Song and Ritual By Robert W. Smith Background Robert W. Smith is perhaps one of the most prolific composers and arrangers for concert band music. Many of his works [...]
History of Jazz Education: A Survey of Modern Discourse As with jazz itself, defining jazz education brings about a multitude of issues and raises both philosophical and cultural implications in [...]
Reflection: Challenging exclusionary paradigms in the traditional musical canon: Implications for music education practice Summary The purpose of this study is too address culturally responsive [...]